
That moment...
When you know someone you truly love is in pain...
Stressed out...
And everything negative...
All that i could do is just sit there...
And listen to everything said...
Every word...
Every emotion....
Being lost for words...
Lost in feelings...
And silently cry to myself...
Unable to reach him....
And blame myself for not being better...
To make him smile...
For not being there...
To comfort...
For not being perfect...
To take away all his burden...
For being a stupid human being....
Why am i an idiot...


what is wrong..

What is wrong with this people?
Why do they treat others like crap...
Where did real friendship go?
Going to class just to listen to their shopping stories...
Their gossips...
Being silent is the best way i guess...
People takes advantages on people's kindness...
So that they get what they want...
No one is perfect...
But It doesn't mean that we have rights to bully others...
Sharing is caring...
That's if you know how to appreciate it...


Almost 2 years...

Its almost been 2 years since i last blogged....
So many changes...
So many memories....
I've changed too....

I'm feeling blue recently...
Don't know what is wrong with me...
Stress? Peer pressure? What is it?
Someone tell me...
I hate not knowing it...
I'm confused....
I don't know what to do...
Growing up hurts a lot...
But, no matter how much i want to... 
i can't rewind time...
I can only move forward...
And hope...
Life would be better tomorrow...

Life is just another story...
It starts and it ends...
It's you who decide how it should be...
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