Just a Memoir

I miss you
I miss your presence
I miss the way you made me felt
I miss the times we had together
Although it was only for a short while
Thank you for letting me experiencing something that I've not experienced before

I still keep your pictures
Coz' that's all that's left

I can't push myself anymore to delete memories
Like the way you pushed me to do so previously
Instead of running away and erasing
I've decided to face the truth that...
You're gone
We won't be the same again

I'll still think of you every now and then
And I'll wonder what happened
But I'll stop myself from over-thinking
Coz' you're not worth it

Sure I would like to talk to you again 
As friends like before
But then, I won't put any hope in that
Coz' you'll probably think I'm annoying
Or trying to get back with you

I like your confidence =)
Thank you for being honest with me
