
When trauma comes in waves after each other
You really don't know whether this life is worth holding on
You talk to people
You talk about it
But yet, you're still stuck in it

Mistakes were made
But the trauma stays

You keep telling yourself that you'll get through it
You keep telling yourself to hang on
But with every step
You plunge deeper into the darkness
Deeper into delusion
Deeper into depression
It's eating you alive

One does not know that they are being manipulated
One does not realize that they are being used
One does not see that they were played
Until it's too late

And that's when the trauma starts
The panic attacks
The withdrawal
The isolation
The feeling of being helpless and worthless
And finally...
The desire to end one's life

The struggle with insanity is real

One would think that
The world would be a better place without me
No one would miss me
No one loves me
That's bullshit.

Have you ever loved others?
Do you even miss others?
Treat others the way you wished to be treated

Admitting that it happened
Takes a lot of courage
It takes a lot of strength to overcome trauma
Some never did
That's why they turn to other distractions
Hoping that it would stop those bad memories from returning

I hope that this would end
This trauma must die


Why do I do this to myself?

Could one...
Smile and cry at the same time?
It's possible
The fact that you're laughing at how stupid you are 
At the same time you're feeling sorry for yourself

Why do I do this to myself?
Why do I care so much about not hurting other's feelings?

Honestly, just because I'm dead tired with dealing with your behavior
You may lie
But I might not believe
Might probably just let it pass
Coz' telling you that I know the truth 
Wastes too much of my energy

Why do I let people invade my personal space?

Guess someone needs to learn how to say
and also to
Stop being available for everyone every time

I'm tired....
Tired of everything
Tired of dealing with your behavior
People even wonder why I stayed on with you

I want to be happy
I deserve to be happy

So stop judging me already
Stop telling people that I don't spend time with you
Stop blaming me for spending less time with you
Could you at least think why do I behave in such way?

Would you put yourself in my shoes for a moment?
I hate to hurt your feelings
At the same time
I don't like what you did to me
So how?
That's why I usually remain silent
Because you complain every single time

Let me tell you something

I'm not your boyfriend
I'm just a friend
So stop expecting so much from me
Only to get yourself disappointed

Yes I may hold other people's hands
Cling on to them periodically
Assurance, Comfort, Acceptance.

If you can't be happy for me
Then that's your problem

Coz' this is what I'm going to do
mou diu



Honestly, life hasn't been getting better. 
It's like what's happening to me? 
Why am I making decisions which is ruining my life? 

Someone told me that my blog is damn emo. Why yes it is..... I read back some of my old posts... Couldn't stop those tears from rolling down... Man what have I been doing to myself? Why am I slowly killing myself?

Turning 21 years old this year sucks. Life sucks. Life never was fair, but it all depends on your perspective on it. Yes you could end your life, but please think of the people who love you that you're leaving behind. Your family, your best friends your loved ones....

Please be strong. You can fight yourself out of this.

There's nothing wrong with being different.
Coz' that's you being you
Being real
Being vulnerable
Being exposed to the world

So right now
Let go, let God

Be happy. Be free.
Don't let anyone take that happiness away from you
It's yours. All yours.

Even if you've made bad decisions in life
Make it a life lesson
Don't let it get you
You don't have much time left on earth
Love yourself and those who love you.
