When trauma comes in waves after each other
You really don't know whether this life is worth holding on
You talk to people
You talk about it
But yet, you're still stuck in it
Mistakes were made
But the trauma stays
You keep telling yourself that you'll get through it
You keep telling yourself to hang on
But with every step
You plunge deeper into the darkness
Deeper into delusion
Deeper into depression
It's eating you alive
One does not know that they are being manipulated
One does not realize that they are being used
One does not see that they were played
Until it's too late
And that's when the trauma starts
The panic attacks
The withdrawal
The isolation
The feeling of being helpless and worthless
And finally...
The desire to end one's life
The struggle with insanity is real
One would think that
The world would be a better place without me
No one would miss me
No one loves me
That's bullshit.
Have you ever loved others?
Do you even miss others?
Treat others the way you wished to be treated
Admitting that it happened
Takes a lot of courage
It takes a lot of strength to overcome trauma
Some never did
That's why they turn to other distractions
Hoping that it would stop those bad memories from returning
I hope that this would end
This trauma must die