Why do I do this to myself?

Could one...
Smile and cry at the same time?
It's possible
The fact that you're laughing at how stupid you are 
At the same time you're feeling sorry for yourself

Why do I do this to myself?
Why do I care so much about not hurting other's feelings?

Honestly, just because I'm dead tired with dealing with your behavior
You may lie
But I might not believe
Might probably just let it pass
Coz' telling you that I know the truth 
Wastes too much of my energy

Why do I let people invade my personal space?

Guess someone needs to learn how to say
and also to
Stop being available for everyone every time

I'm tired....
Tired of everything
Tired of dealing with your behavior
People even wonder why I stayed on with you

I want to be happy
I deserve to be happy

So stop judging me already
Stop telling people that I don't spend time with you
Stop blaming me for spending less time with you
Could you at least think why do I behave in such way?

Would you put yourself in my shoes for a moment?
I hate to hurt your feelings
At the same time
I don't like what you did to me
So how?
That's why I usually remain silent
Because you complain every single time

Let me tell you something

I'm not your boyfriend
I'm just a friend
So stop expecting so much from me
Only to get yourself disappointed

Yes I may hold other people's hands
Cling on to them periodically
Assurance, Comfort, Acceptance.

If you can't be happy for me
Then that's your problem

Coz' this is what I'm going to do
mou diu
